In the question of the use of gadgets, the border between the norm and pathology depends on the individual characteristics of a person. This was announced on Sunday, May 29, by the chief physician of the psychiatric clinic “Hospital” Marcel Dodica.
In an interview with RT on May 29, the expert emphasized that there are practically no universal rules in this area.
“There are people for whom an hour a day spent on social networks is a lot, and there are those who work on social networks, whose activities are directly related to gadgets,” he explained.
Doditz advised to independently analyze the sensations in order to understand when it is worth sounding the alarm. According to the psychiatrist, it is not necessary to change the usual mode if it is balanced and does not cause any discomfort.
On the other hand, if spending time in a gadget is accompanied by negative experiences, and events “outside” the Internet space lose their significance, it is necessary to conduct mental hygiene from information.
“You have to clearly track the amount of your life spent … and the amount of time you spend on social networks,” the doctor concluded.
Earlier, on May 24, SM-Clinic specialist Olga Zincheva spoke about the negative impact of radio frequency radiation from smartphones on the human body. So, according to some studies, radio frequency radiation increases the likelihood of developing cancer and infertility, neurological and mental disorders. Despite the lack of 100% evidence of a causal relationship, the expert recommended putting the gadget away before going to bed.
The day before, University of Arizona psychologist Alexander Danvers spoke about a study that helped reveal the benefits of quitting social media. In particular, the results showed that some participants reduced their time spent on Instagram (owned by Meta, recognized in the Russian Federation as extremist) from 222 minutes a week to 10. They improved their well-being and reduced depressive episodes.