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A unique mixture for the fight against cow parsnip was created in the suburbs

A unique mixture for cultivating land from hogweed was created in the Moscow region. This was reported on Tuesday, May 24, on the website of the regional government.

The composition was developed by one of the largest contractors in the Moscow region, Green City LLC, with the participation of the teaching staff of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, V.R. Williams, All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection and Assistance to the Center for Agro-Industrial Development, specifies RIAMO.

The new mixture, which was formulated last year, will allow results to be achieved already on the fifth day of treatment, while the previously used herbicides showed the effect only after two weeks.

According to the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region Vladislav Murashov, the new composition is absolutely safe for use in cereal and corn fields, the 360 ​​TV channel reports.

The new composition from the hogweed Sosnovsky is planned to cultivate the lands of only three districts – Ruzsky, Volokolamsky and Istra, the Moscow city news agency notes.

On May 12, an agronomist, an agricultural specialist Vladimir Vikulov, in an interview with Izvestia, warned that summer residents, on whose plots the hogweed plant grows uncontrollably, risk administrative punishment.

The expert also recalled the ban on growing plants that contain narcotic or psychotropic substances, which is subject to criminal liability.

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