How do they want to get around the limited speed of light and why full immersion in the virtual world limits the distance to 150 km

Facebook, Microsoft, Google and other techno -giants actively promote the concept of metassvit and promise full immersion. But physics are indifferent to marketing and therefore with modern technologies to realize full immersion can only be up to 150 km. But scientists are already working to overcome this problem.


It is expected that in the near future, people will be able to live, work and travel virtually. This experience will not be different from the real transmission of senses in real time.

However, today such a vision is impossible. Scientists can already “deceive” the skin and body so that the user believes that what he touches in the virtual world is real. However, the synchronization of the virtual picture with real sensations requires a network with submiseconda delay.

In such networks with low delays and ultra -high bandwidth, operational commands and tactile feedback are performed through with a maximum delay of one thousandth seconds.

Such an extremely low delay limits the maximum communication distance of only 150 km, even under ideal conditions. This distance is limited by the speed of light – the fastest known ways to convey information today.

“Enableing the transmission of real -time tactical sensations through the Internet will potentially allow various physical operations without the physical presence of people. This will path to the intended Internet of skills that will allow you to better distribute and democratize skills and experience among people, regardless of gender, age. This can reduce the number of travel and related CO2 emissions. However, the required immersion level is unattainable at great distances at this stage. So, new solutions are needed to solve problems, ”says Associate Professor Quzhan from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at the University of Army.

This Zhang heads a new research project called Etouch, which is aimed at overcoming the physical restrictions of modern telecommunications. The goal is to create an immediate answer, regardless of distance, so that the user can perceive tactile feedback without noticeable delays, even if the object is at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Experts include world -class experts in the field of peripheral computing, technologies of television and machine training at Munich Technical University (TUM), Dresden Technical University (TUD), the University of Army and the stakeholders of the industry, including the technical company ROPE Robotics.

To solve the problem of signal delay, the team will use indirect model telephony. In it, the virtual model (digital twin) will accurately describe the distant environment, and which locally generates tactile feedback instead of passing it over long distances.

However, creating an accurate model and performing effective and reliable real -time model updates with the current data processing paradigm is quite difficult. Therefore, the team will use the Edge Computing paradigm.

However, the team will focus not on tesurgical operations, but on industrial use with relatively simple operations.

“The realization of our vision entails big problems, so we must start with basic operations and take small steps at a time. But if our method works, it can become an innovative for the Internet of the future and will allow you to spread tactile Internet to intercontinental distances and possibly even into space, ”says Zhang.

The Danish company Rope Robotics develops robots that can replace manual labor, which is currently needed to maintain and repair wind turbines. The purpose is a robot system that can crawl on the blades of wind turbines and clean, grind, polish and paint them without human intervention.

“It is important for us to have close contact with the world’s leading universities and be an integral part of recent research in our field,” says Martin Hus Bierge, CEO of Rope Robotics. – We consider Internet skills one of the biggest trends of the future, and we look forward to working on this project. It is very exciting, and it can have a great impact on the technology of robots we develop. ”

The Etouch project, which stands for Edge Intelligence for Immersive Telerobotics in a tactile Internet, is supported by an independent Danish exploration fund for 2.9 million Danish crowns. The project will begin in 2022 and will last for three years.

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