Associated with famous rapper Kanye West, Mascotte Holdings has filed 17 trademark applications under the YEEZUS brand. Use cases presented include NFTs and the Metaverse.
One paper talks about the potential to “provide an online marketplace for buyers of crypto and/or digital collectibles, currencies, tokens and assets.”
Mascotte Holdings intends to cover a wide range of potential products outside of the crypto space, including clothing, video games, retail stores, amusement parks, and cosmetics.
The YEEZUS brand is associated with the musician’s sixth solo album of the same name, released in 2013.
On January 31, West posted a photo of the note on his Instagram. In it, he wrote: “Don’t ask me to make a damn NFT… ask me later.” This entry has now been deleted.
Recall that in February, rapper Snoop Dogg announced the transformation of his Death Row Records into the first NFT label.
Later, the musician announced the planned creation of digital marijuana farms in the metaverse of the MOBLAND project.
Earlier, Snoop Dogg admitted that he is a Cozomo de’ Medici, having amassed a collection of hundreds of non-fungible tokens.