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Money, valuable tableware and chess: activists got photos from a search at Dodon’s

In the house of the pro-Russian ex-president of Moldova, Igor Dodon, during a search, law enforcement officers found a significant amount of money in cash, valuable dishes and chess made of precious materials.

According to European Pravda, a photo from the search was published by the anti-corruption project Anticoruptie.

Significant sums of money in different currencies were found with Dodon (the total amount is not named), luxury items and checks, indicating a very rich lifestyle of the family.

Among other things, they found several sets of chess that seem to be made of precious materials (Igor Dodon is the head of the Moldovan Chess Federation).

They also found checks and documents that could become evidence in the case of Dodon’s schemes. One of the receipts, signed by Galina Dodon, shows that last year she paid 25,000 euros just for various kitchen items.

Recall that on May 24, anti-corruption authorities and the security service came with searches to the house of the ex-president, honorary leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon in the case of passive corruption, illegal enrichment, betrayal and financing of a political party by a criminal organization.

At first, there were conflicting reports in the media about the arrest of Dodon for 72 hours, but in the end this information was confirmed and a video of the detention appeared.

The Kremlin, commenting on the searches at Dodon’s, said they were concerned about the “persecution of supporters of friendly relations with the Russian Federation.”

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