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UAnet has created a platform to provide psychotherapeutic support to victims of violence

An online platform for specialized psychotherapeutic support for victims of violence, including war-related sexual violence, has now been launched.

Aurora’s online platform aims to provide victims of violence with access to quality remote care in any part of Ukraine, including the temporarily occupied territories, and abroad. On the platform, victims can receive comprehensive support from psychotherapists to overcome traumatic experiences, restore emotional balance and internal resources to rebuild life. In addition, they can seek medical advice to address pressing health issues, including reproductive health, and seek professional help from lawyers.

All services are provided confidentially and anonymously with high professional ethical standards. Users of the platform can choose a specialist (rank) who will provide long-term support and management of the case to avoid re-traumatization of victims and increase the effectiveness of care provided.

Everyone, regardless of gender or age, can apply for free support: women, girls, men and boys who have been abused. To receive individual specialized help, all you need to do is fill out an anonymous form on the Break the Circle website

The platform is currently in beta, while full technical functionality is being developed.

The Aurora online platform was created by UNFPA with the assistance of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine and with the support of the British Government.

The online psychotherapy support platform is part of the assistance system for victims of violence, including war-related sexual violence. Together with the Government of Ukraine, with the support of the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Estonia, Sweden and the EU, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is developing a network of specialized socio-psychological, medical and legal services for abused Ukrainians.

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