The Main Department of the State Tax Service in Dnipropetrovsk region informs that the specialized client software for the formation and submission of reports to the “Single window for electronic reporting” to version as of 27.05.2022 has been updated.
This software package includes changes and additions from 31.12.2021 to 27.05.2022 inclusive and is installed only on System 1.30 system releases. *
However, all personal directories and user settings remain unchanged.
List of changes and additions (version (as of 27.05.2022):
New versions of documents added:
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine of May 12, 2022 № 2260-IX “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine on the peculiarities of tax administration of taxes, fees and single contribution during martial law, state of emergency” added new documents:
F / J 1201013 – Tax invoice;
F / J 1201113 – Annex 1 to the tax invoice. Appendix to the tax invoice;
F / J 1201213 – Annex 2 to the tax invoice. Calculation of adjustment of quantitative and cost indicators to the tax invoice.