Already this month, Telegram Premium, a paid version of the messenger, will be introduced to network users. This was announced on June 10 in the Telegram channel of the founder of the service, Pavel Durov.
“All Telegram functions that were free will remain available to users, in addition, new free options will appear,” the entrepreneur’s channel says.
According to him, in particular, users will be able to view large media files, documents, premium reactions and stickers.
At the same time, he noted that a number of netizens are asking to raise the limits.
“The problem here is that if we removed the restrictions for everyone, our server and traffic costs would become unmanageable, so the party would unfortunately end for everyone,” Durov explained.
To meet the expectations of those “who demand more”, it was decided to launch a Telegram Premium subscription.
“It will allow you to get additional features, speed and resources. Moreover, even users who are not subscribed to Telegram Premium will be able to take advantage of some of its benefits: for example, they will be able to view very large documents, multimedia and stickers sent by Premium users, ”Durov emphasized.
Recall that back in December 2020, Telegram founder Pavel Durov shared his plans to monetize the popular messenger. He calculated that the number of active users was close to 500 million, and he paid the company’s bills from personal savings, and it’s time to finish.
“When a technology company grows to such a size, it has only two ways – to start earning money to cover costs or to sell to a larger player,” Durov explained then the decision to monetize Telegram.
According to him, unlike the founders of WhatsApp, he refused the sale option. Durov believes that the world needs his project, because the messenger “respects the rights of users and provides a high quality of service.”
The businessman expressed confidence that Telegram would be able to monetize “unobtrusively”, leaving the current services free. And already for new additional services will take money.
At the same time, there will be no advertising in chats and messages of users; a separate platform will be created for it.
Quite a lot is known about Durov. Back in 2018, he tried to “fight” with the “system” in the Russian Federation, but then the conflict subsided. And in the summer of 2020, the millionaire spoke out in support of Rospotrebnadzor and other government agencies. He said that it was time to end the monopoly of Apple and Google – in fact, he supported the Russian law on the pre-installation of domestic software on gadgets.