If business develops well in these countries.
- The management of “Yandex” appealed to employees after publications about the transfer of the company’s headquarters to Israel. The post was published in a closed Telegram channel for employees. Forbes got acquainted with the text, the existence of the record was confirmed in the press service of the company and stressed that the move is not planned.
- According to the publication, Yandex’s main business is in Russia and the CIS, and the company has many plans on how to develop in these countries. “We are a team of 18,000 employees, most of us live and work in Russia. This is our home, our home market, our headquarters,” the text reads. No radical changes are planned.
- At the same time, Yandex does not rule out that the company will have new offices in other countries: if business is developing well in them, or there are “valuable specialists” in these countries. “Naturally, Yandex talent centers will appear where Yandex businesses themselves develop,” the entry says.
- On May 16, the Israeli newspaper Calcalist reported that Arkady Volozh plans to move Yandex’s headquarters to Tel Aviv and asked the Israeli authorities to help relocate employees. The company denied this and said that the newspaper made a mistake with the translation into Hebrew of the document that came to it.
- On May 25, Calcalist reported that Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman called on Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to help Yandex relocate employees. In a note to employees, Yandex management stated that they “no longer have the strength to refute what is written there.”