Pavel Durov spoke out against Apple

The founder of Telegram drew attention to problems in the Safari mobile browser. According to Durov, the web version of Telegram cannot realize its full potential on iOS devices due to deliberate restrictions.

In April, a Telegram Web developer shared a list of 10 points of problems in the iOS Safari browser, which lacks features such as push messages, VP8 and VP9 codecs, high refresh rate, automatic page scrolling down after clicking, problems with opening the context menu, and more. that Apple has been unwilling to fix or improve for years. Other developers have even complained that Apple’s Safari is killing the web.

In this way, users are encouraged to switch from web applications to native ones, where Apple can charge a commission of 30%. The head of Telegram is glad that regulators have begun to realize what is happening.

“It’s sad that more than a decade after Steve Jobs’ death, the company that once revolutionized the mobile web has become his biggest hurdle,” Durov concluded.

READ ALSO: masters Telegram: the company introduced a catalog of channels for finding work in different cities

“Apple bans native browser engine alternatives on its mobile devices; a limitation unique to Apple. The CMA is concerned that this severely limits the ability of competing browsers to differentiate themselves from Safari and reduces Apple’s incentive to invest in its browser engine.”

“This limitation also significantly reduces the ability of web applications—applications that run in a browser rather than being downloaded individually—depriving consumers and businesses of the full benefits of this innovative technology.” Pavel Durov sums up.

Earlier we wrote that the European Court of Justice, which is the highest court of the European Union, officially deprived Apple of the exclusive right to use the slogan Think different in the region. The lawsuit was initiated by the famous Swiss watch manufacturer Swatch.

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